Exploring the world opened up by a work of art
This week’s showcase:
John Anderson
“Untitled 1978-12”
Acrylic on canvas, 60″ x 96″, 1978
“Cradled in deep space and warmed by the sun, from earth we see the heavens in their spectacular display. We have been nurtured here and protected by some extraordinary fate. I am in awe at the wonders of creation and the mystery of living, breathing, and being. That awe is a form of reverence, which for me is the heart of artistic creativity.” John Anderson
John Anderson in his life and work plumbed the depths of the reverential creative experience, and through his journey discovered a wellspring of universal energy and love.
And if you stand in front of a piece like “Untitled 1978-12”, it’s hard to deny the efficacy of his quest, as the painting’s chaotic peace and radiating force is wholly palpable.
Through an experimental combination of spontaneity and the simple use of the primary elements of line, circle, dot, Anderson seems to have hit the mother lode of consciousness, tapping into the eternal cosmos of all things.
“The paintings that have their roots in the Beginning Image are the expression of a deep level of being, a level that connects us all.” John Anderson
John offers us the rare visual gift of seeing connection and meaning within ourselves and our place in the universe. And especially in today’s world of isolation and apathy, that is like finding a “pearl of great price”.
“The creativity in art is to feel an unconditional love, and find ways to express it so it is always before us in some form.” John Anderson
I personally can’t think of any better excuse for art.