I am a scavenger, a collector, a researcher and a fabricator. My work is site based, performative and driven by a love of process, history and craft. I read the world as pattern and experience it as time code. I depend on the interpretation and creation of pattern to organize the content of my work, reading and misreading code and symbol as sensory narratives.
I structure my projects by detecting different time based systems of rhythmic, repetitive pattern that act as guides to help me find my way. I am fascinated by the metaphors we use to describe the flow of time; the spun thread, burning candle and punch clock all combine a personal sensory experience with a shared perception of units of measurement. We measure time in so many unconscious and intimate ways that are specific to our experience as humans. In my experience the passage of time is sensual: measured in stitches, steps and the interplay between repetition and stillness. My projects explore a relationship to time through material choice, process and kinetics: ephemeral materials like water and chewing gum, processes like spinning and embroidery, kinetics that employ rocking, melting and spinning, are sensory based, sequenced investigations of temporality.
1994 M.F.A. New Genres, San Francisco Art Institute, San Francisco, CA
1984 B.F.A. Tyler School of Art, Elkins Park, PA
1983 Temple Abroad, Lungotevere Arnaldo da Brescia, Rome, Italy
2012 ”ABAAB” Alter Space, San Francisco, CA
2011 ”Magic Lantern, Roxie Theater, San Francisco, CA
2009 ”New Work” Red Cake Fine Arts, San Francisco, CA
2009 “Petrified Forest” Ampersand Gallery, San Francisco, CA
2005 “Ambient Evaporate” Blue Room Gallery, San Francisco, CA 2004 ”Ambient” Blue Room Gallery, San Francisco, CA
2004 “Christina La Sala New Work” The Lab, San Francisco, CA
2003 ”Art Slam” Mezzanine Space, San Francisco, CA
2003 ”New Work” Atelier Gallery, San Francisco, CA
2001 “Christina La Sala at Rostrum” Rostrum Gallery, Malmo, Sweden