Feldsott pushes the fundamentals of painting in ways that are clearly his own. His work is medicine. Crushed Alabaster, human and plant material, handmade paints, metallic substances and other medicinal elements mixed by Feldsott as part pharmacist/painter/shaman are used to awaken original memories of the viewer.
Feldsott’s paintings are brilliantly seductive dialogues filled with mystery, shared collective memory and archetypes. Bold shapes, dazzling colors and lines of heroic energy transport the viewer deeper into the spiritual realms of places and beings.
1954 Born Chicago, IL
1978 Began extensive travel in Central and South America
1986 Co-founded Forest Island Project, an ecological restoration and cultural conservation project in alliance with local NGOs in Veracruz, Mexico
1996 Co-founded health center in Bolinas, CA, dedicated to traditional medicine and support of traditional healers.
Chicago Institute of Art – Undergraduate studies
California College of Arts and Crafts – Masters in Fine Art
2015 B. Sakata Garo Gallery, “Feldsott”, Sacramento, CA
2015 Richmond Art Center, “Annunciations” Richmond, CA
2013 Studio Vendome, “Cries, Chants, Shouts & Whispers” New York, NY
2013 Meridian Gallery, “Cries, Chants, Shouts & Whispers” San Francisco, CA
2011 Paul Mahder Gallery, “The Early Works” San Francisco, CA
2011 LA Art Show, Los Angeles, CA
2008 Paul Mahder Gallery, San Francisco, CA
2006 Darnel Fine Arts, Santa Fe, NM
2004 Darnel Fine Arts, Santa Fe, NM
2004 Blue Room Gallery, San Francisco, CA
2003 Museo de Fundacion Guayasamin, Quito Ecuador
2003 Bolinas Museum, CA, Works from the Permanent Collection
1979 San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, The Aesthetics of Graffiti
1978 Marianne Deson Gallery, Chicago, IL, Gallery Artists
1978 Hyde Park Art Center, Chicago, IL, Fetish Myth and Legend
1978 Minnesota Museum of Art, Drawings USA, National Tour
1977 Diablo Valley College Art Gallery, Pleasant Hill, CA, Six Artists
1976 Walnut Creek Civic Arts Gallery, Walnut Creek, CA, Surfaces and Image
1975 San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, Fetishes
1974 Michael Wyman Gallery, Chicago, IL
1974 E. B. Crocker Art Gallery, Sacramento, CA
United Gas and Pipeline Company, Houston, TX
The Lannon Foundation, Palm Beach, FL
Ruth Nash, Belvedere, CA
Museo de Guayasamin, Quito, Ecuador
John Jones, Stinson Beach, CA
Rev. Richard Fabian, San Francisco, CA
Kevin and Alice Steiner, San Francisco, CA
Mr. and Mrs. John Bomes, San Francisco, CA
Bolinas Museum, Bolinas, CA
Mr. and Mrs. John Bomes, San Francisco, CA
Phyllis Boyenten, Berkeley, CA
Allister Brass, New York, NY
Jackie Byrne, New York, NY
Richleigh Heagh, Studio City, CA
Matthew Quinn, Atlanta, GA
David Spon, McLean, VA
Celeste Simon, Mountainair, NM
John and Barbara Holzriehter, Berkeley, CA
Mr. and Mrs. Max Levin, Los Angeles, CA
Theodore List, New York, NY
Caroline Safdi, New York, NY
Seymor Surnow, Chappaqua, NY